
Services: Training

The Bell Training Method

As with any training method, results depend on the consistency and effort put into training your dog. This system is based on the great psychologist Ivan Pavlov's discovery, that one form of learning is a result of repeated stimulus. By ringing the bells each and every time the dog is to go outside, your dog will learn to associate the stimulus of the bells with the ability to go outside.

Step 1 Hang the loop of the Bells on the inside door knob (or hook) of the door(s) that your dog typically exits the house.Your Bells will hang down approximately 25 inches. Each unit is made to accommodate both small and large breeds.Your dog only needs to nudge any part of the Bells unit in order to make the bells ring. The Bells should stay on the door or on a small hook next to the door at all times so that your dog can reach them when ever they need to.

Step 2 Every time you take your pooch outside to potty, state a simple command phrase. We suggest "Outsid...Ring the Bells". Get your family involved! All members of your household should be consistent and use the same wording and actions with your dog.

Step 3 After stating your command phrase, ring your Bells in front of the dog. The dog should see AND hear the bells.

Step 4 After ringing the bells and saying your command, follow through with praise and allow your dog to go outside. It is important that you NOT reward your dog with a food treat, as they will associate the ringing the bells with receiving food. We suggest that you not use potty time to play with your dog outside so they don't associate ring time with play time. You can always take your buddy outside to play at other times when you choose to. The dog will eventually associate ringing the bells with going and the praise they receive from their favorite person, you, is reward enough! DO THIS EACH TIME YOUR DOG IS TO GO OUTSIDE AS CONSISTENCY IS KEY!

Step 5 After several weeks of this consistent training, continue to say the phrase you've been using each time your dog wants to exit the house. Tell them "Outside... RingtheBells" and point to the Bells. Praise them once they ring the bells and allow the dog to go out. If the dog does NOT ring the bells, you ring the bells, restate your command phrase and then allow the dog outside.

Step 6 Each following week, repeat this conditioning until your dog starts to ring the bells on their own. It is critical that you praise your dog on his newly learned behavior to reinforce this action. Remember to always listen for the bells, even if you are in a different part of the house from where you've hung your Bells. When you hear them ring... let your dog out!! Your dog can now communicate without barking, whining or having accidents in the house.

The Bell Training Method